Friday, May 31, 2013

God--He invented people

The other day I was cleaning out the boys' backpacks to get them ready for the next day at school Yes, the boys should do this on their own. No, that's not what always happens.  Anyway, as I was cleaning out Seth's I found this...
**God--He invented people**

It is from a research project his class was doing on inventors.  He also had a page about the Wright Brothers.

My heart swelled big with mom pride and I thought "Man, how did that happen?"  Seriously, I am not one of those moms that prides herself on being an outstanding mom that should win mom of the year awards.  Truthfully, I'm actually pretty hard on myself when it comes to my parenting skills.  I have a quick temper, I let them watch too much tv, I look forward to putting them to bed at night, I don't do enough crafts, and so on and on and on.  

So, how in the midst of all my failures as a mom did my sweet 7 year old decide to write about God being an inventor?  Why did he chose to focus on God?  Because of one thing...God.  In the midst of all the craziness, chaos, and failures in our family God still shows up.  When I lose my temper with the boys and then come back crying and ask for forgiveness He is there.  We get to talk about how I messed up and how God still loves me.  We get to talk about how when the boys make mistakes that I still love them, but even more importantly so does God.  When I'm rushing them off to bed because I need some quiet time on the couch He is there.  We say bedtime prayers and they ask God to give families to orphans and food to the hungry.  My boys pray those words.  Not me, not Jerad.  God has touched their hearts to pray for the needy.

I'm never going to win Mom of the Year.  For crying out loud...I'm doing well to make sure my kids have a snack AND a lunch for school.  But that's okay.   Because God is there.  Always.  Always there.  And my boys know it.  And that's what matters.  They see Jesus in our lives, in our failures, and our successes. 

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